Registered Voters
Since becoming First Lady, has Michelle Obama met your expectations of her, exceeded your expectations, or fallen below your expectations of her?
Met your expectations Exceeded your expectations Fallen below your expectations Unsure
Row % Row % Row % Row %
Registered Voters 57% 15% 16% 12%
Party ID Democrat 63% 22% 7% 7%
Republican 52% 6% 22% 19%
Independent 53% 13% 20% 13%
Gender Men 58% 12% 17% 14%
Women 56% 18% 16% 11%
Race White 56% 12% 18% 14%
African American 66% 23% 10% 1%
Latino 51% 27% 10% 12%
Age Under 45 64% 14% 12% 10%
45 or older 53% 15% 18% 14%
Education Not college graduate 58% 13% 18% 11%
College graduate 56% 18% 13% 13%
Household Income Less than $50,000 58% 15% 15% 12%
$50,000 or more 55% 16% 18% 11%
Region Northeast 63% 14% 12% 10%
Midwest 60% 17% 11% 12%
South 53% 13% 22% 12%
West 53% 17% 14% 16%
December 2009 Marist Poll National Registered Voters"N=858 MOE +/- 3.5%" Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.